Saturday, May 11, 2024


I have been a big fan of te life and career of the comedic innovator Martin Mull. Mull is best known for his work on "Fernwood Tonight" and his album "Martin Mull and his fabulous furniture." I have always admired Mull's undertoned brilliant sarcasm and find his work to be pure genius. His performance in "Roseanne" particularly impressed me.

My admiration for Mull led to a gift of backstage passes to a musical comedy show at Massey Hall in Toronto, where I was thrilled to receive backstage passes. While I enjoyed the show, Afterwards I got some time alone with him and I was ultimately disappointed when Mull came across as a pretentious egotist during our conversation over beers. This encounter left me with lingering doubts about Mull's true character, despite still enjoying his stage persona.

Through this biography, I hope to convey the complexity of celebrity personas and the potential discrepancies between a public image and a private reality. Despite my admiration for Mull's talent and work, I grapple with the realization that the person behind the performance may not align with the image portrayed to the public. Despite my disappointments, this biography offers a nuanced exploration of celebrity and the complexities of public perception. And a nagging doubt. Maybe he was just putting me on.

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