Thursday, May 30, 2024

Fats Domino

A Night with Fats Domino

I was sitting in Grossman's Tavern one evening, enjoying my drink and the familiar ambiance of the place, when out of the blue, my old friend Cliff Bastien walked in. Cliff and I go way back; I remember when he first started playing at Grossman's, and I even managed his band for a while. So when he asked if I'd like to take a little trip up the street to meet Fats Domino, I didn't hesitate for a second.

As we made our way to the El Mocambo, my mind wandered to our shared history. I recalled the time we had spent in New Orleans together. Cliff was well-acquainted with the New Orleans jazz scene and had introduced me to many of those legendary figures. Tonight, though, felt like a different kind of adventure.

When we arrived, we watched Fats Domino's first set. It was electrifying, filled with that unmistakable New Orleans rhythm and joy. After the set ended, Cliff led me up to the dressing room. He gave the door a confident rap, and it swung open to reveal Fats Domino himself, beaming with a big smile. Fats greeted Cliff like an old friend, wrapping him in a warm hug, and then invited us in.

Introductions were made, and we settled in as Cliff filled Fats in on various updates about friends and family back in New Orleans. At one point, Fats turned to me and smiled, remarking, "Damn, he knows more about my family than I do." It turned out that Cliff had lived in New Orleans for a time, and it was Fats' uncle who had taught him how to play the banjo. Cliff had managed to become friends with quite a few of Fat's relatives during his stay.

The second set began, and to our collective surprise and joy, Fats dedicated a song to his old friend "Kid Bastien." It was a beautiful moment that etched itself into my memory. Then came the last number of the night. Fats played with such vigor that he pushed the piano across the stage with his stomach as he played. It was a remarkable sight, a fitting climax to a night that already felt legendary.

As the night wound down, I felt a deep sense of satisfaction and awe. Meeting Fats Domino and witnessing his performance up close, especially in the company of a dear friend like Cliff, was an experience I'll never forget. This night was one for the books, a night with Fats Domino, filled with music, friendship, and a slice of New Orleans magic right here in Toronto.

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