Thursday, May 18, 2023



The Story of Ron Berkeley: A Legendary Makeup Artist

The world of Hollywood has lost a true legend with the passing of Ron Berkeley, an Emmy-winning makeup artist who left his mark on some of the most iconic films in history. From working with Richard Burton and Elizabeth Taylor to his own fascinating personal story, Ron Berkeley's legacy will be remembered for years to come.

A Friendship with Richard Burton

Ron Berkeley's journey in the world of makeup artistry began at a young age, working alongside his father who was also a talented makeup man. It was during his time working on the set of 'Circle of Two' that Ron crossed paths with the legendary actor Richard Burton. The two quickly struck up a friendship, with Ron becoming Richard's personal makeup man during the filming of the movie.

An Unforgettable Collaboration

During their time together on the set of 'Circle of Two,' Ron and Richard began discussing a new project that they were both passionate about. Ron, who had a knack for storytelling, shared his ideas with Richard, and together they developed a script that caught the attention of Warner Brothers. The studio was so impressed with their work that they decided to advance Ron $25,000 to further develop the project.

A Dream Opportunity

As the project gained momentum, Ron extended an incredible opportunity to a young and aspiring writer - a chance to spend three months at his castle-like mansion in Normandy, use his Maserati, and collaborate on the script. With Ron's guidance and expertise, the project seemed destined for success, with the promise of Billy Connolly making his debut in a major motion picture.

A Setback and a Farewell

Just as negotiations were nearing completion, fate dealt a cruel blow in the form of a writer's strike. Warner Brothers, unable to move forward with the project, was forced to cancel everything, leaving Ron, Richard, and their team with nothing but shattered dreams. Despite the setback, Ron remained optimistic and continued to inspire those around him with his resilience and creativity.
In conclusion, Ron Berkeley was not just a talented makeup artist; he was a storyteller, a mentor, and a friend to all who had the privilege of knowing him. His legacy lives on in the films he worked on, the stories he shared, and the lives he touched. Ron Berkeley may no longer be with us, but his spirit will forever be a part of Hollywood's rich tapestry.
SEO Meta-Description: Dive into the world of Ron Berkeley, an Emmy-winning makeup artist who worked with legends like Richard Burton and Elizabeth Taylor. Learn about his fascinating journey in Hollywood.
Click-Worthy Title: Remembering Ron Berkeley: A Hollywood Legend
Main keyword: story

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